- haf-haf
- тяф-тяф (собачий лай); haf-haf eləmək (etmək) см. hafıldamaq.
Азербайджанско-русский словарь. — Баку. Х. Азизбеков. 1984.
Азербайджанско-русский словарь. — Баку. Х. Азизбеков. 1984.
haf — haf·fet; haf·ner; haf·ni·um; haf·ta·rah; haf·fit; haf·to·rah; … English syllables
haf|fit — haf|fet or haf|fit «HAF iht, HAHF », noun. Scottish. the side of the head above and in front of the ear; temple; cheek. ╂[earlier halfet, halfhed, Old English healfhēafod forepart of the head] … Useful english dictionary
haf|fet — or haf|fit «HAF iht, HAHF », noun. Scottish. the side of the head above and in front of the ear; temple; cheek. ╂[earlier halfet, halfhed, Old English healfhēafod forepart of the head] … Useful english dictionary
Haf — (h[aum]f), imp. of {Heave}. Hove. [Obs.] Chaucer. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Hạf’liua — Hạf liua, (Hofliua) also often referred to as “Split Island” is an islet which falls under the governing jurisdiction of the Fijian dependency of Rotuma, located at coor dms|12|30|0|S|176|55|60|E|. It is a high island with steep rocky cliffs,… … Wikipedia
HAF — steht für Holzabsatzfonds Hindu American Foundation Siehe auch Bal Haf Haff Haaf Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheid … Deutsch Wikipedia
haf|ni|um — «HAF nee uhm», noun. a silvery, metallic chemical element somewhat like zirconium and occurring mainly in zirconium ores. It is used to make filaments for incandescent lamps. ╂[< New Latin hafnium < Medieval Latin Hafnia Copenhagen, where… … Useful english dictionary
Haf — Haf, so v.w. Haff … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
haf- — *haf germ., schwach. Verb: nhd. heben; ne. lift (Verb); Etymologie: idg. *kap , *kəp , Verb, fassen, Pokorny 527; Literatur: Falk/Torp 69? … Germanisches Wörterbuch
haf|fir — «ha FIHR», noun. (in northern Africa) a temporary pond built to store rain water and conserve the water table: »Adding to the number of points at which livestock can secure water helps to widen the area of grazing. This can be achieved by boring… … Useful english dictionary
Haf|linger — «HAHF lihng guhr», noun. any one of a sturdy breed of small reddish horses of the western Alps: »This year, though, the British ponies have been temporarily knocked into second place as an attraction by a splendid display of Austrian Haflinger… … Useful english dictionary